d6 School Communicator at Rand Park High School
The d6 School Communicator App is used by Rand Park to provide regular updates on what’s happening at the school. It updates automatically, and brings you all the latest news and calendar events. It also contains a contact list and a range of useful links and documents.
We encourage our parents and learners to install the School Communicator on their computers and mobile phones. It is safe and secure.
Installation is Simple!
Download the installer from the School Communicator website: www.d6.co.za/school-communication-apps/.
You can also install the d6 School Communicator on your smartphone. Search for d6 School Communicator in the App Store or Google Play. Download the App and follow the prompts.
Any personal information shared with the School Communicator (including your registration details) is private and may only be used by the school. It may not be sold or shared with any third party.
Please contact the School Communicator support team if you experience any problems with running the School Communicator.
Contact them on 087 820 0088 or support@school-communicator.com.